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35a controller Rad


*We are currently out of stock on the 35a controller Rad but taking back orders, new shipment expected to arrive mid April* 

*We Offer Free Fast Fedex 2 Day Air Express Shipping Within the USA* 

New version 35a controller with tail light feature!  Looking for more power, acceleration and torque for your Rad bike? Introducing our new 35a controller upgrade plug and play to the Rad bikes. Instantly take your bike to a whole new level of performance you've been dying for. This 35a controller will also work on the Rad Mini and can be installed on the down tube (see photo).

*Please note when plugging the motor to the controller, you MUST push both motor plugs together as hard as you can. Use a lot of force to push them together until you feel a click to secure it. If this connection is not secure, you will get error message on the display screen. A loose connection could also cause heat and melt the wire and plugs.

Dimensions are 7.2 x 3.2 x 1.7in.  This controller is required to be use with our color display KT-LCD8H. You can NOT use the Rad's LCD display with our controllers and vice versa.

Color LCD Rad -

Use these LCD settings for the Rad bike and watch the video link below on how to get into the settings.

P1 = 100 

P2 = 5

P3 = 0 

P4 = 0 

P5 = 15 

C1 = 3 

C2 = 0 

C3 = 8 

C4 = 3 

C5 = 10 

C6 = 3 

C7 = 1

C8 = 0 

C9 = 0 

C10 = n 

C11 = 0 

C12 = 4 

C13 = 0 

C14 = 2

Click on link below to see video of our 25a controller/color LCD installed on a Rad Mini 2020 and will also work with our 35a controller/color LCD.

Video of our 25a controller/color LCD installed on a Rad Mini 2020

*disclaimer we are not responsible for any accidents, fire outbreak, explosions or any kind of damage or injury due to the use of our batteries and products. Please take all necessary precaution with the use of our products. Use at your own risk. For return and warranties please see
